McKinney Rotary Club – Al Ruschhaupt Memorial




mckinney rotary club – al ruschhaupt memorial

On April 1, 1992 the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of McKinney, Texas established a local Rotary Scholarship. In 2000, after having collected an estimated $14,047.10 in the Rotary Scholarship’s name, it was decided by the club to transfer these funds into a memorial in memory of a well-known Rotarian, Al Ruschhaupt. In setting up this fund, the following woads described the man they chose to honor.

There are many reasons why McKinney is a great place to grow up, receive an education, run a business or raise a family. One of those reason is represented by the impact that Mr. Al Ruschhaupt had on this community.

For over 70 years McKinney was blessed with a man who represented Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self”. If there was an issue that would make McKinney better, if his church needed support, or if there was a charity faced with a need…Mr. Ruschhaupt was there. Most of the time he was behind the scenes, bringing people together, her;ing the needy or mentoring new leaders. There are countless stories of how Al came to the rescue or helped someone or some organization and this was always in addition to running his own business. We would be remiss in not recognizing Al’s favorite person in life and his greatest supporter, his wife Geri Ruschhaupt and the other members of the Ruschhaupt family, Al’s children Judy, Janet, and Richard.

In addition to providing quality service at his office supply firm and providing strength to his fellow church members at the Methodist church, Al served the City of McKinney on the City Council and as McKinney’s mayor. He spoke softly but carried a big stick – – that stick was his exemplary character in a ll areas of his life. McKinney was fortunate to have benefited from his great leadership.

If you would like to donate to this endowment, click here.


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