Success Stories

Success Stories

Benefits of education are often hard to quantify. Statistics show that an investment in education improves human capital, provides empowerment and adds stability to society as a whole.


1. Garrison Scholarship provides endless gratitude.


Thank you so much for all of your help throughout this year. Your guidance throughout the college application process was truly invaluable. I know me receving an interview for the Garrison Scholarship wouldn\’t have been possible without you and I will always be grateful. Thank you so much for all of your support. It has meant so much.

“I know me receving an interview for the Garrison Scholarship wouldn\’t have been possible without you and I will always be grateful.”

— Ariana Palomo Aguirre, 2021 Garrison Scholarship Winner


2. Sed sed, viverra tempor ipsum.


Here is your description of this project.  Nullam tempor dolor sed nulla auctor, nec placerat felis sodales. Etiam et turpis mattis, efficitur mi ut, ultrices diam. Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. 

Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit. Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin ligula ac, facilisis dui. Ut blandit lectus neque, sit amet fringilla nisi mollis eget. Sed a eros nec leo euismod eleifend sit amet ut nisl.

Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin ligula ac, facilisi. Ut blandit lectus neque, sit amet fringilla nisi mollis eget. Sed a eros nec leo euismod eleifend sit amet ut nisl. Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit. 

Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit. Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin ligula ac, facilisis dui. Ut blandit lectus neque, sit amet fringilla nisi mollis eget. Sed a eros nec leo euismod eleifend sit amet ut nisl.

Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin ligula ac, facilisis dui. Ut blandit lectus neque, sit amet fringilla nisi mollis eget. Sed a eros nec leo euismod eleifend sit amet ut nisl. Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit. 

Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit. Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin ligula ac, facilisis dui. Ut blandit lectus neque, sit amet fringilla nisi mollis. Sed a eros nec leo euismod eleifend sit amet ut nisl. 



3. MEF College Advisors…


This was a big year for me. Preparing for college and all. And the going got tough at times, but I was never truly lost and confused, because I always had you. You were always there to help me no matter what, and that made this whole big transition less scary. So thank you. I appreciate you and all you do more than words can explain.

— Yazmin Dominguez

I don\’t think I can adequately express my appreciation to you for the influence you were able to leveage which resulted in my daughter getting the opportunity to go to school at Texas Tech! She has been accepted into the Business School…woohoo!

I\’ve been praying about this for two years now. My daughter is not wise/old enough to truly understand but she will someday. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!

— Dad of scholarship recipient

Thank you for all that you have done for the First in Family students. Thanks for caring about us and making us stand out and be proud of ourselves. You have given us a lot of great advice, and pushed us to do everything that was necessary for us to have a bright future. If it weren\’t for you, we wouldn\’t have been honored as the first ones to graduate in our family. Thank you for loving us and caring for us!

— Lyced Vargas

Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit. Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin ligula ac, facilisis dui. Ut blandit lectus neque, sit amet fringilla nisi mollis eget. Sed a eros nec leo euismod eleifend sit amet ut nisl.

— Donec Consectetur



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