Bennett Elementary


Bennett Elementary Endowment

The McKinney Independent School District (McKinney ISD) chose to honor a lifetime educator and principal by naming an elementary school in his honor – The Dean Bennett Elementary School. The Bennett school’s administration and parent teacher organization took that honor one step further by establishing the Dean Bennett Elementary School Permanently Endowed Scholarship Fund. The endowment became a memorial to a kind educator beloved by this past students, teachers, and co-workers. He was a teacher; his wife was a teacher; and their son became a teacher.

The purpose of this endowment is to provide scholarships to qualifying graduating seniors of the McKinney ISD.

Below is a list of criteria that is considered favorable for this scholarship:

  • Have attended Bennett Elementary School

  • Graduate from a McKinney ISD high school

  • Show ambition with a determination to finish what they start

  • He/She must demonstrate a good work ethic by either volunteer activities and/or working part-time

  • No limitations as to what vocation they are pursuing

  • Preference will be given to class rank and financial need

If you would like to donate to this endowment, click here.


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